
Corona virus related book

Hair Loss No More

Effective Ways To Treat Hair Loss

By: Randolph Streete


Publishers Notes


Chapter 1- What Does Hair Represent?

Chapter 2- Starting the Journey-Treating the Hair Chapter 3- Does it Work?
Chapter 4- What to Expect after a Hair Transplant Chapter 5- Tips on Avoiding Hair Loss Chapter 6- Causes of Hair Loss

Chapter 7- Diseases that Cause Hair Loss

Chapter 8- How to Stop a Receding Hairline

Chapter 9- Know Your Options

Chapter 10- Hair Loss Treatments

Chapter 11- Vitamins for Hair loss

Chapter 12- Hair Products Specifically for Women Chapter 13- Summary and Conclusion About The Author

Publishers Notes


This publication is intended to provide helpful and informative material. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem or condition, nor is intended to replace the advice of a physician. No action should be taken solely on the contents of this book. Always consult your physician or qualified health- care professional on any matters regarding your health and before adopting any suggestions in this book or drawing inferences from it.

The author and publisher specifically disclaim all responsibility for any liability, loss or risk, personal or otherwise, which is incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, from the use or application of any contents of this book.

Any and all product names referenced within this book are the trademarks of their respective owners. None of these owners have sponsored, authorized, endorsed, or approved this book.

Always read all information provided by the manufacturers’ product labels before using their products. The author and publisher are not responsible for claims made by manufacturers.

Kindle Edition 2013

Manufactured in the United States of America


This book is dedicated to my parents who encouraged me to keep on writing.


Throughout history, long, flowing hair has been a symbol of strength. This was true for many cultures, including the Scottish, the Norse, the Ancient Greeks, the Celts, the Mayans, and many others. Many major civilizations of Western Europe, Southern Europe, Africa, North America and South America have prized long hair as symbols of wealth, strength and beauty.

Of course, there is the famous bible story of Samson – an invincible warrior whose secret was rooted his mane of lush long hair. History tells the story of how he was seduced by a woman who got him drunk, tricking him into telling the secret to his remarkable strength. As a result she cut his hair allowing him to be easily captured by the enemy.

Today, long hair is associated with varying cultural movements rather than individual cultures or civilizations as recorded in the past. For example both the hippie and Goth movements, are defined by their long hair.

In our general society, the length of a man's hair is not so important yet balding people still have feelings of great inadequacy. They somehow feel baldness is an unattractive quality. Many studies have shown that these feelings are unfounded, and vastly exaggerated as the feelings of inadequacy within the person who is bald, is far more burdensome than any weakened perception of them by others.

It has been said by many that the hair is any person’s crowning glory, giving the conception that even if the general appearance of a person is not pretty or handsome; as long as they have long bouncing hair to flaunt, there is a level of sociable acceptance that compensates for the general appearance. This theory has driven many suffering from hair loss in the direction of spending vast amounts of money on hair treatment products and therapy. True or natural hair is one of the best recognizable assets of a person. Sometimes, it can even be linked to the person’s personality – how glossy and shiny the hair looks, shows how much one takes good care of themselves. However, this is not true in all instances. There are situations when a person loses their hair regardless of the extreme care taken to maintain it as the circumstance could be health related or hereditary. There are many people today who about suffering hair loss and hopefully this book will provide the vital information relating to the varying causes, possible solutions and treatment options available to treat your hair loss.


What hair loss treatment can you use to help?

Typically, when you want to have healthy hair, you always begin nurturing the one thing that holds the root of your desire; the scalp. The scalp is one of the most important aspects to consider when you are faced with any hair loss treatment specifically as the major problems associated with losing hair begins right at his point resulting from various scalp problems including dandruff and too much dryness.

Remember, a healthy and clean scalp yields healthy hair follicles which are essential for growing hair. Of course, to attain and maintain a healthy scalp, you have to know exactly when your scalp is too clean or excessively dirty, and you should regularly wash and treat it accordingly using nutritional products. However, know your limits and don’t overdo it as excessive treatments and washing may result in the loss of more hair than nurturing the existing strands of hair. The use of scalp oil which is great for nurturing growing hair is recommended.

If you have some time and extra bucks to spare for a hair spa and massage treatment, then go for it. The personnel at your local hair treatment spa knows exactly what hair treatment is “a must” for your scalp and hair as they are quite experienced with various hair types and should know the best options available to effectively treat and care for your hair. Their knowledge of the nutrients and minerals usually needed to help your scalp to recuperate from damage allows them to successfully treating your thinning hair.

Loss or damage to hair can be caused by your shampoo and conditioner which may contain toxic chemicals that will tend to irritate your scalp causing loss of layers of skin resulting in the loss of hair. It can also be due to the fact that after shampooing you might not have rinsed your scalp properly leaving some suds on the surface and within the hair itself which overtime results in damaged follicles and eventual hair loss. Your diet and hormonal changes for women in particular can also be a great cause for hair loss. Whatever it is, one must pay close attention to their health and care toward the hair products and treatments used; whether such products are in fact good or bad for your specific hair type.


Can a Hair Loss Treatment Be Effective?

Losing hair can be very traumatic for a lot of people! Not surprisingly, there are many people that claim to have found the cure to baldness but the reality is there are few treatments that have been shown to actually stop the thinning and eventual baldness. What I want to do here in this book is show you the best hair loss treatments that are out there and give you as much information as I can find to help you make an informed decision on how you will battle your hair loss.

Before I go into treatments, I find that it is important to know what the basic causes of hair loss are. The most prevalent form of hair loss is Androgenetic Alopecia (male or female pattern baldness). There are many causes of baldness or thinning hair ranging from genetics, to the surrounding environment and even your overall state of health which we will discuss in later chapters of this book.

Before you go looking in the yellow pages or even online, it would be highly advisable to consult with a dermatologist that specializes in hair loss in order to receive the best hair loss advice and treatment options. Too many times people or companies selling hair loss treatments are in it only to take advantage of people wanting to solve their hair loss problems so badly with little or no consideration taken on effectively addressing the actual cause of the hair loss. Instead they provide a temporary solution as a quick fix.

The causes of hair loss in men and women although they vary produce the same effect. Most people who suffer hair loss are generally embarrassed in their appearance resulting in a loss in their self-esteem. Hair loss in men is not restricted by the natural aging process as many believe. Other causes such as medication, disease, ill-health, hormone imbalance, skin disorders, genetic influences and incorrect nutrition all play their respective roles in this allowing various types of hair loss treatments to be available.

Treatments for hair loss include products that are applied to the hair and scalp and come in a wide range of shampoos, conditioners, lotions and oils. Natural alternatives to chemical solutions and drugs are a popular option for hair loss treatment for people who want to avoid the chemically based solutions and surgical procedures. The ingredients in natural and herbal preparations have been thoroughly tested and proven effective in cases of hair loss. Other known available and possibly cheaper alternative solutions are prescription medications, and wigs.

The first action to take is to seek medical advice about the cause of your hair loss. Don’t assume that your hair loss is natural and nothing can be done; there is possibly a cure. Once you understand the cause, you have a better chance of finding a treatment that will give you positive results.

Take a look at your lifestyle – make sure your diet is healthy and nutritious, drink plenty of water and get in some moderate exercise at least three to five days each week. Get at least 8 hours of sleep regularly, cut down on caffeine intake, carbonated sugary drinks, nicotine and alcohol. Keep your hair clean and well moisturized, and have it trimmed every couple of months to remove dry, split ends.

There are two specific drugs which have been known to be successfully used as hair loss treatments. Finasteride and minoxidil have been proven to stop, and even reverse, male pattern baldness, the main cause of hair loss in men. Results obviously vary between people; however the best results are seen in men who seek treatment early rather than later. If the patient has suffered serious hair loss, it makes the restoration process all the more difficult as it may already be too late for these drugs to have any effect; in which an alternative and possibly more expensive option may have to be explored.

Now, when all else fails, don’t worry there is still hope. Hair transplant therapy is a possible option you might want to explore provided you have exercised all other avenues of chemical treatment. However, one should note that this treatment is not only unique in its nature but also very expensive and should only be considered as a last resort in my opinion.

A hair transplant is a surgical procedure during which small micro-grafts, with a few hairs attached, are transplanted from one part of the scalp to another. The hair re-grows in the new position, as does the hair from the graft site. The process can be generally completed within a day and is carried out by a plastic surgeon.


Want to Know What Your Hair Looks Like Following Transplant Procedures?

As you come to terms with getting a hair transplant, you’ll naturally be curious about what the hair will look like after the surgery. Though it isn’t prudent to advise how it will finally look in the end as every head of hair is different, there are particular guiding rules that might help give you a concept of what to expect.

1.   The less the variety of hairs per graft that are used for the transplant, the more natural it should look. There are numerous doctors who use up to eight strands of hair per graft. Speak to a health care provider who uses grafts containing one to four follicles per graft for a more natural look.

These grafts, otherwise known as follicular unit grafts, can rebuild your hairline. It’s important that your doctor use follicular unit grafts to build the hairline to make it look better than the bigger plug-like grafts. Keep in mind that the hair on the hairline is most evident, and it is important to have it look and feel as natural as possible.

2.   Your hair will look denser and fuller when you’ve got dense hair at the donor sites. The density of hair is dependent upon the variety of hair follicles in each section, so in case you have good hair density at other non-balding spots, you stand to gain when it comes to a fuller volume even after your transplant.

3.   The flexibility of your scalp also helps to determine the number of grafts that can be done, and thereby influences the fullness of the hair on the transplant site. That is known as scalp laxity. The looser your scalp is, the better it will be to do more grafts.

4.    Coarse hair tends to effectively cover a bigger area. Whenever you get your hair transplant executed, you’ll discover that fewer hair follicles will be needed to cover a wider area in the event the texture of your hair is coarse. On the other hand, fine hair tends to look more natural, especially when thinner.

5.   It isn’t possible to count on straight hair to cover the scalp as curly hair does. If in case you have straight flowing hair, transplant surgery might be a problem to the surgeon due to the fact that it does not over the space in the same way curly hair does. Curly hair tends to have the natural tendency to stand up from the scalp, making it look dense and full.

6.   If the color of your scalp is similar to the color of your hair, it helps by acting as a kind of camouflage attribute to the lack of hair cover wherever it exists. This could help in case you do not have enough hair on the donor site to effectively apply to the areas with thinning hair.

On the other hand, in case your skin and hair coloration contrast, the hair follicles in uncovered areas of the scalp can simply stand out in an unseemly way. Such contrast will make it quite difficult but not impossible to graft the hair follicles.

All basic problems will be sorted out in your choice of a talented and knowledgeable surgeon for your surgery. Knowing more in regards to the procedure will empower you; ask the right questions with the intention of increasing your knowledge and understanding of the risks and rewards concerned.

Just keep in mind there is no definite tactic to completely end hair loss. However, there are many treatments and procedures which can prove valuable. Ensure you do the research before you buy any products, or make any decision on additional hair loss solutions or treatment.

Wigs and hairpieces, whether they are made from human hair or are synthetic, are a viable treatment for people who are suffering temporary hair loss both due to medication, and in cases of advanced hair loss who want to avoid surgery and drugs. It is an inexpensive process in which hair pieces can be attached using a special glue or tape, wig clips or in the case of a full wig, worn just like a cap.


Hair is indeed very precious. That is why it is important to know what you can do to avoid hair loss. In most societies, women are seen as beautiful based on the type and length of hair that they have.

The majority of the cases of hair loss and thinning are avoidable. As a result it is highly recommended that you get to have adequate information on how you too can prevent hair loss. Here are a few tips will help:

Check On the Chemicals That You Use

It is not recommended that you go to a cosmetic shop and start getting a product to apply without caution. It is indeed necessary to ensure that you seek advice from a qualified beautician to avoid the problem of self application that may lead to a disastrous ending. Some chemicals cause thinning of the hair and the resulting effect is hair loss. Hair coloring should not be so frequent. Try not to recolor the hair before 7 to 9 weeks.

Check On Your Diet

Most people have a natural tendency to ignore the importance of health eating. I urge you to embrace the reality that a healthy diet prevents so many problems including the problem of hair loss. Poor health of the hair is detected from the hair follicles. There are vitamins and minerals that are very necessary to ensure the health of the hair follicles and fingernails. It is said that too much of vitamin A and E may also lead to the problem of hair loss.

Check on Doctor’s Instructions When Ill

When ill, it is important to check on the instructions from the doctors to ensure that the prescribed medication is followed to the latter.
Some abuse of the doctor’s prescriptions may lead to a lack of energy in the body to keep the hair follicles growing.

Check On the Hair Styles

It will be very necessary to ensure that you are careful when doing any kind hair styling.

The hair style that you choose to wear must avoid exaggerated pulling of your hair. Should that be done on a continuous basis, it will lead to increased damage to the hair shaft resulting in follicle damage, effecting hair loss.
Seek a Dermatologist’s Counsel

You have got to realize that hair loss is indeed very normal in some instances. When one is aged for instance, the possibility of losing hair is quite a possibility.
On a normal day it is estimated that a person may lose between 60 and 100 strands from the hair. It means that hair loss will be inevitable. It is only when you come there is an abnormality that there is a cause for alarm In that case, you will need to seek the attention of a doctor or a dermatologist.

There are factors that can lead to hair loss that can be avoidable while others are not. The avoidable causes can be prevented if the right steps are taken.


Loss of hair can be very traumatic especially if it does not occur naturally as a result of old age.

There are many causes of premature hair loss. A lot of those causes are actually preventable but the chances of solving the problem once it has already signed in are at times slim.

Hair is a treasured possession especially by women. A woman with what is considered to be very good hair may be seen to be beautiful in that regard, which is why most women would want to go to great lengths to ensure that the possibility of hair loss is minimized. The causes of hair loss are varied and are well discussed below.

Hair May Be Lost Normally

Human hair has a kind of a natural cycle. It means that it is basically inevitable for human hair to grow for a certain period and then be shed after it has grown to full length. Normal hair sheds between 60-100 strands in a day. Hair may be lost normally when you are combing, shampooing, toweling or rubbing the scalp. Normal shedding of the hair is not a cause for alarm.

Hormonal Changes

The changes in hormonal balance may lead to noticeable problems that may result in hair loss. Too little or too much of the thyroid hormones will have a very adverse effect on the scalp. If a man has high testosterone, the most likely thing that may happen is that the facial and body hair may be exaggerated in growth, while the scalp hair may be lost. During pregnancy, levels of hormones in women are high. This causes exaggerated hair growth as well. When the levels come down particularly after birth, there is likelihood that there may be loss of hair.

Stress and Depression

Stress can be very disastrous in the long run. If not checked, anxiety, depression or stress will automatically lead to the thinning of the hair resulting in hair loss. It is indeed necessary to ensure that a lot is put in place to prevent stress and depression.

Inflammations on the Scalp

There are inflammations in the scalp that are caused by fungus or bacterial infections.

Several conditions of the scalp like eczema, psoriasis, ringworms or alopecia areata are problems that are known to lead to loss of hair. The above conditions are treatable and should never be a cause to worry.

Drugs and Medications

There are certain drugs that can lead to a problem with hair loss if they are abused for a long time. Medications like steroids and chemotherapy can also lead to hair loss.
There are also some diuretics that can be responsible for the reduction of body hair.

It is possible that a particular medicine that you may be given by your doctor may cause hair loss. It is always advisable to ensure that you seek medical attention every time you get any side effects when consuming some drugs to see if your doctor can give you an effective alternative.

Hair Loss in Women

Hair loss in women is perhaps one of the most debilitating issues that women face. Hair loss in women affects how the world sees women, and how they see themselves. The effects of hair loss in women can damage self esteem, cause depression and a loss of faith in themselves.

Causes of Hair Loss in Women:

Hair grows from a follicle. It is a normal process for hair to fall out; however, hair loss in women occurs when the hair follicle fails to grow a new shaft of hair.
Medications such as the birth-control-pill can be a significant cause of hair loss experienced in women. Birth control pills work by using hormones to suppress ovulation. For women who are sensitive to hormones or who may be at risk for hair loss, birth control may speed up the process of hair loss.

Hormones can also cause hair loss in women who are not taking oral contraceptives. Women by natural design have hormonal fluctuations both on a monthly cycle and as they age. Menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause are all examples of drastic hormonal changes that occur in women. All of these conditions can contribute to the causes of hair loss in women.

Chemicals that are used to color hair and products that are specifically used to style hair can also be one of the causes of hair loss in women. Chemicals that are absorbed through the skin and medications such as those involved in chemotherapy treatment of cancer can also be identified as the possible causes of hair loss in women. How chemicals interact with the process of growing new hair is not always clear, but the effect can clearly be seen.

Illness and infections can also lead to hair loss. How various diseases interact with the human body is not always easy to understand. However hair loss following an illness or even surgery is not uncommon.

Causes of Hair Loss in Women – Conclusion

Causes of hair loss in women can lead to temporary or permanent hair loss. The primary goal should be to discover the causes of hair loss in women as it occurs. This is the best way to determine the best treatment plan. Seeking the advice of a medical professional is always a good first step in diagnosing the cause of hair loss.


There are preventable and non preventable causes of hair loss.

A number of diseases may cause an imbalance in the hormones, thus bringing about the thinning of the hair and the resulting effect will be hair loss. The kind of diet that we go for may lead to lack of vitamins and minerals that are responsible for the growth and development of the hair follicle, also leading to the problem of hair loss.

There are genetic diseases that are also responsible for bringing about the problem of hair loss.

It is necessary to keep on doing a self evaluation to know if a particular disease that you may be having may be leading to the problem of hair loss or the kind of medication that you are using to treat it is bringing about the side effects resulting to the loss of hair.
The Following Diseases Can Result In Hair Loss

Skin Diseases

There are certain skin diseases that result from lack of key nutrients in the body.

The same skin diseases will cause some of the nutrients and supplement that are needed in the hair to be lost. Such loss of nutrients will lead to the thinning of the hair.
You will need to ensure that your skin is made healthy and any skin infection is properly addressed to avoid the hair loss.

Inflammation on the Scalp

There are certain inflammations on the scalp, which are brought about by the bacteria and fungus that ought to be checked to ensure that you do not suffer hair loss. A good example of scalp inflammation is ring worm. When this occurs, hair will be lost.


One renowned problem that is associated with cancer is one of hair loss. It is said that cancer patients have a problem in absorbing the nutrients in the body. Hair follicles, once denied of the key nutrients that are required will tend to get thin or come off.


Diabetes is a serious chronic problem. In most cases, Diabetes will affect the hormonal balance in the body. This will actually lead to a problem of hair loss.

Surgical procedure

There are conditions of hair loss as a result of a given surgical procedure. Hair loss happens in most cases when chemotherapy is done. But this is actually temporary.
Most diseases that will lead to hair loss will at times lead to a resolve when one is healed.

In those cases, this hair loss can be said to be temporary.

The period taken will depend on a number of factors which will largely be dependent on the length of time it will take for the restoration of the hormonal balance or the levels of nutrients in the body which will support the hair follicles.

Some chronic diseases like AIDS may result in a permanent loss of the hair if the immunity is adversely affected. For one to be sure of the restoration of the hair, adequate boosting of the immunity through the use of the anti-retroviral drugs is necessary.


Quite a few doctors will tell you that it is extremely difficult to prevent a receding hairline claiming that this process is purely normal resulting from genetics.
During a clinical study in Germany it was observed that hereditary hair loss was caused by specific chromosomes, with the genes responsible for the androgen receptor being the main component. The function of this specific gene can best be described as similar to several tributaries flowing into the main stream of a river as the nutrients within the body are brought by the blood stream to the hair follicle.

The study concluded that this gene has a strong affiliation with what is known as the X chromosome typically inherited by men through their mothers. The end result was that a man’s hairline will tend to adapt the general characteristics of his maternal grandfather. The study continued to show that the genes associated with a receding hairline were not only dependent on the androgen receptor but on another and possibly the most major factor contributing to hair loss.

This prime suspect naturally created by our bodies is the hormone known as DHT. The DHT hormone has the tendency to flow via the blood stream to the androgen receptors located at the hair follicle and attaching itself, which results in the clogging the receptors and starving them. Thinning hair in women is one of the first signs as men will notice the hairline gradually receding or thinning at the crown. The DHT hormone will eventually make its way to the scalp taking with it an oily residue known as sebum clogging the shaft of the hair follicle and preventing natural growth.

DHT Hair Loss

DHT hair loss is caused when the DHT (dihydrotestosterone) hormone hijacks the receptor cells and sends an incorrect message to cells in the hair follicles that would otherwise initiate hair growth. This is a complex problem, and there are many products that claim to nullify DHT hair loss.

The presence of DHT is necessary in men to counter the effects of the predominantly female hormone, estrogen. In fact, dihydrotestosterone is three times more potent than regular testosterone, and is essential in male growth characteristics that differentiate the male body from the female body, such as larger muscles, deeper voices, increased sex drive, and more hair growth on the body and face.

Unfortunately, in some males, when DHT interacts with hair follicles it can cause hair loss. DHT hair loss is actually the main perpetrator of baldness in men, and can even cause hair loss for some women. For this reason most hair loss treatments are targeted towards reducing, or negating, DHT interaction with hair follicles, through shampoos and creams.

Should you notice your hair thinning and take the decision to address this issue in the early stages; then, through the use of vitamin supplements you can slow the process and prevent further hair loss and possibly even reverse the process. On occasion one may fail to address the problem early enough resulting in more extreme and expensive measures having to be implemented to effectively treat and restore the hair that is lost.

Later in this book we will take a more detailed look at the treatment of hair loss through the use of vitamin and mineral supplements as a viable alternative to build and restore loss hair.
The majority of the hair loss products will not work on the receding hairline and as such you should avoid buying into the marketing hype created around such products.


Know Your Options for Hair Loss Treatment

There are many factors that cause hair loss. In fact, these factors are highly variable and may differ between and among people. In order to know which hair loss treatment may be best for you, most dermatologists and health experts strongly recommend that people to get acquainted and even know the specific reasons that had caused their condition so that an appropriate hair loss treatment may be administered. Although alopecia and bald headedness is regular for men, hair loss may also manifest early in kids and even in women. Though a number of theories offer a proposition that hair loss may be not be curable, there are corresponding hair loss treatments and remedial formulas to most known types of this condition.

At a certain age more than half of men suffer from hair loss problems. The primary and leading cause of hair loss among men is alopecia. A number of scientific researches had reported that the primary cause of alopecia or a male-pattern hair loss pattern is a hormone known as dihydrotestosterone. Most methods that had been formulated in order to prevent this known condition had produced a rather astounding and significant effect.

One of, if not, the most popular products is Propecia, a known formula that uses as a DHT inhibitor. Another noted medicine for treating this type of hair loss condition is Minoxidil. Though a number of clinic trials had produced successful results, most health experts, however, strongly disagree to primarily adhering to artificial chemicals to treat hair loss primarily because of know and well published side effects. Some skin irritants that have been developed accordingly to provide an optimized effect of and for the drug. Some conditions that may manifest once skin is irritated are irritations and redness. Most patients have reported aggravated side effects such as irregular heart rate.

Another problem experienced is the fact that chemicals are not published to be able to achieve its indented effect. A case in point is of the drug known as Minoxidil was administered to about 25% of the population of men with known hair loss condition. The result had provided that users of the aforementioned drug had experienced known side effects of the drugs and have not achieved most, if not all, of its drug claims.


If you are plagued by thinning hair you will be very aware of the problem. In fact a recent study in the UK revealed that the prospect of going bald upsets the average man more than the idea of going bankrupt! Even Prince William is said to be worried about his rapidly thinning hair and in the US statistics show that 55 million people are unhappy with their hair loss……… copy from sales letter

When it comes to hair loss treatments there are a number of different routes you can chose depending on your determination and financial resources. At one end of the market are simple creams and shampoos (that have a variable record of success) and at the other end of the spectrum is traditional hair transplant surgery.

Luckily there are also a range of treatment options that fall in the middle of this range.

As mentioned in previous chapters, the main cause of hair loss is the overproduction of a hormone called DHT. We have discussed how this hormone travels through your blood stream and is very good at seeking out hair follicles which it then attaches itself to and eventually causes the hair to die. In a similar way, if the blood supply to your hair is disrupted then the hair doesn’t receive enough nutrients and again after a while it will “dry out” and fall out. Alternatively the problem may also be hereditary in which case there are a couple of very effective drug-based treatments that can cure this situation.

Hair Loss Treatment Remedies

Some of the simplest home remedies for hair growth include methods and products that stimulate the flow of blood to the scalp. Whilst these are unlikely to produce significant results on their own (despite what you might read on the Internet rubbing coffee solutions into your scalp doesn’t work!) when combined with other therapies can certainly help in the overall process. Popular hair loss treatments in this category include scalp massages with essential oils such as Lavender and Bay and conditioning with a mix of Nettle, Valerian and Zinc.

More effective hair loss treatments come in the form of specialty foams and gels that include two drugs: Minoxidil and Finasteride. These drugs were initially created to treat high blood pressure but have now been found to be effective in treating hereditary hair loss. The market leader in this field is Regain Foam which is massaged on to dry hair twice a day and is suitable for both men and women. A study of 352 men in the US found that after 16 weeks; nine out of ten approved of their results from using the product.

In recent years however, a new range of hair loss treatments has hit the headlines following their success in reversing hair loss. These products look similar to hair brushes but are actually a painless for of laser therapy which works by stimulating special energy bundles within the cells of your hair follicles. These units known as mitochondria then work harder at growing the follicle and results indicated showed that a person would successfully achieve thicker looking hair within 8 to 12 weeks.

Different therapies work for different people and you may need to try 2 or 3 products before finding the one that works for you but rest assured if you are determined to find a solution then you will soon be enjoying the increased confidence and self-esteem that goes with having a fuller head of hair – meaning you can throw those wigs and toupee’s in the garbage once and for all!


Hair loss, hair thinning, and baldness are problems that affect many men and women. Although we have seen some of the more common reasons many for hair loss in both men and women in earlier chapters of this book, clinical studies have shown that at least some causes of hair loss are due to vitamin and mineral deficiencies in a person, with proven results that as in the case hair loss can be reversed by taking vitamin supplements.

Vitamins and Minerals for Hair Loss

One of the causes of hair loss is inadequate levels of certain vitamins and minerals in the diet. B vitamins in particular are important for healthy hair. There may also be a link between levels of essential amino acids in your diet and healthy hair growth. The most important vitamin available to successfully combat hair loss is a B group vitamin based tablet, followed by any good multivitamin.

Other minerals and vitamins for hair loss that should be included in a treatment program are vitamin C and E, zinc, inositol (present in beans and oranges) and importantly a range of essential fatty acids such as those found in some nuts, fish, and soy.

Improving Hair Texture

Other natural supplements for hair loss work by improving the health and texture of your hair. Natural oils such as flaxseed oil and fish oil are good ways to make your hair smoother and softer and richer in texture effectively preventing damage to your hair.
Diet and Exercise

Taking vitamins for hair loss may be required if you are not getting enough healthy food in your diet. However you can avoid the rigors of daily pill popping by including a range of fruit and vegetables in your diet. Foods like beans, cauliflower and carrots are all rich in B vitamins. Foods like lentils, sunflower seeds, walnuts and oats also contain a B group vitamin which is responsible for hair health and growth.

Exercise plays an indirect role in hair loss. Exercise on its own doesn’t change hair growth, but obesity is certainly linked to some types of baldness. If you exercise regularly to keep your weight at an appropriate level, you can avoid these issues.


Hair loss products for women are becoming increasingly popular these days. This is primarily due to the fact that many women are becoming more open about their hair loss problems and they are starting to seek solutions. Hair loss in men has always been known fact, especially as a man ages. It’s almost acceptable and expected that men lose some or most of their hair as they get older. Women, on the other hand, get less attention with their hair loss issues. Believe it or not, according to the American Hair Loss Association, women make up about 40% of people affected by hair loss in America.

Hair loss in women can be an emotionally tragic thing. We have seen how our society puts so much emphasis on looks and having beautiful hair that you can’t even flip on the television without seeing some beautiful model flaunting her perfect tresses in some new shampoo commercial. When you’re a woman with thinning hair, these commercials just destroy you and make you feel even worse about yourself. Such feelings encourage many women to seek out various hair loss products for women.

The popularity of hair loss products for women has increased with the increase in hair loss products for men.
These product manufacturers soon began to realize that they were missing half the market by only gearing their products towards the male population. Since it’s become more widely know that women also suffer from hair loss, many of these manufacturers have followed suit with a product line geared towards the female population.

Below is a list of the most popular hair loss products for women on the market today.

Provillus for Women - Provillus has been around as a popular hair treatment for men, but they now offer a female alternative. Provillus is a combination of a dietary supplement and a topical solution. This solution contains 5% Minoxidil and the pills contain essential nutrients to help nourish the scalp.

Rogaine for Women- Probably the most talked about and popular male and female hair loss treatment product on the market. We have all heard of Rogaine. Rogaine for Women claims to be the first FDA approved topical treatment available that has been clinically proven to regrow women’s hair safely.

Pronoxidil- A Minoxidil-based serum that claims to stop hair loss in less than 30 days; it comes in the form of an oily serum that also contains other beneficial vitamins and nutrients to benefit your scalp. The serum applied as it is rubbed on the scalp. Pronoxidil is said to have all-natural DHT blockers as the key ingredient.

Bosley Healthy Hair Complex- This is a complete system with 5 different products that include a scalp stimulant, hair and scalp conditioner, cleanser, dietary supplement, and a special re -growth treatment. This system usually comes in a 6 month treatment kit.

Natrol Nuhair Regrowth Treatment- This treatment for women is a rich, natural herbal blend for hair loss and thinning hair. It’s safe and effective and aims to revitalize the scalp and nourish it in order to encourage healthy hair re- growth.

Keep in mind that there are also many other hair loss products for women available on the market, such as specific herbs and vitamins. Taking vitamins for hair loss in women is definitely an effective and proven treatment as discussed in chapter 11. Since there are so many different causes of hair loss in women, there are a great many treatment options available that aim to treat the specific cause of hair loss in a woman.

Before you select a product that you think is best for you, have your particular hair loss problem diagnosed by your doctor or dermatologist. There are specific blood tests designed to check hormone levels as well as other health history questions you doctor will ask you so he or she can effectively get to the root of your hair loss issue. As soon as you are properly diagnosed, you can then start to shop around for specific hair loss products for women.


How Hair Loss Affects Men and Women!

Hair loss has been a problem for both men and women for as long as anyone can remember. We spend money, time, and traumatic thoughts on what we can do to prevent or re-grow hair.

Hair grows about 1 inch a month. It is intriguing that about 85% of your hair is growing at anytime. The other 15% is dormant. Five years are the average life span for hair. Because of this it is difficult at times to understand the causes of hair loss.

Many people dislike bald-headed men. Women often will not see men with significant hair loss. By contrast men are more often are opting to shave their heads entirely. Some women are finding bald heads OK in the dating scene. Are we confused about having hair or not? As with many things hair loss has different consequences for many.

We have seen that DHT is the leading cause of male and female pattern hair loss. Some men and women are predisposed to the accumulation of DHT, and this prevents proteins, vitamins, and minerals from getting to the hair follicle. Hair follicle, are slower growing and are at rest for longer periods, this causes the follicle’s to shrink and get smaller. The hair gets finer and then falls.

The enzyme 5 alpha reductase combines with the hormone (testosterone) and converts it to DHT (Di hydro -testosterone). DHT is a natural metabolite of the body. Male pattern- baldness and female pattern- baldness are significant issues. There are a number of blockers available to help prevent the excessive DHT.

Hair is an attractive feature of the human body and female/male pattern baldness is a matter of serious concern. Pattern baldness is particularly concerning.
Decide on what steps you should do to prevent your issues. One particularly noteworthy thing is to communicate with a physician. Don’t seek out some remedy that could have disastrous.


Randolph Streete had an interest in writing from an early age and it was something that his parents encouraged him to do from the outset. As he became older, he became more interested in writing texts that were more focused on real problems and how to solve them. With that in mind he started to write a series of books on various problems, one of them being hair loss and the challenges that many have to face with that.

What Randolph really love about writing non- fiction books is that he has the chance to really get the latest information on certain methods of treatment and can pose the questions that anyone reading might have and then provide the answer. He makes it easy for person to find the answers to certain question as he has all of the answers to the major questions in one place.

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